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Hey Mark - the graphs show up for me as well... pretty darn slick! That pH spike is pretty dramatic, is that your lights kicking on? I can't remember if you run a reverse light cycle refg. or not. I have always heard that they help stabalize pH swings so it would be interesting to see if that would affect this. Nice thing about being able to capture/store this kind of data - you can actually do some experiments and not just guess at the results.


Anyway... I'm jealous!


The PH spike is because I don't have a refugium - so I can't run the 'fuge lights at night - My NEW tank has a refuguim so I hope it is a bit more stable than the 14 gallon cube :) I dose by hand in the morning (missed today) so that is why it climbs in the am.

I should have the new tank back from Waves in a bit..then I'm ready to set up!

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DOH! I unplugged my router at home last night for some troubleshooting and forgot to plug it back in...so the reef stats will be down until I can get home to plug the dang router back in!


C'mon Mark! You get us all riled up and then you cut us off! How am I supposed to entertain myself today now that I can't give you guff about your tank readings??? :D


BTW - why did you tank the tank back in? Get some additional mods done?

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C'mon Mark! You get us all riled up and then you cut us off! How am I supposed to entertain myself today now that I can't give you guff about your tank readings??? :D


BTW - why did you tank the tank back in? Get some additional mods done?


I was having issues with my cooling fan staying stuck on...even though the RKE said it was NOT on (wife) I emailed support last night about 9:30 and they got back to me at 10:36 last night! Great response time. The relay on the specific channel I was on can cause this if you are plugging in a device with what is called a 'poor power factor' - channel 2 and 3 are not mechanical relays...now that I have switched power ports all should be good. Oh, and I quickly unplugged the router cable as I think my daughter was laying in bed playing on her Apple I-touch instead of going to sleep (flame)

ha ha. The only complaint I have gotten is that my sig is a bit big, so I will shrink it down a bit.

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The triac controlled ports on the Aquacontroller have the same problem; I learned about it when the Aqualifter on my ATO didn't shut off when the ACjr told it to. That sucked. I just added a small fan to the same plug to up the current draw -- maybe you could do something similar?

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Very interesting... I haven't noticed a problem on the Aquatronica controller I just set up and I do have one plug controlling nothing but a case fan via temperature. Makes me wonder though... I may have to take a closer look at that. It does sound like adding additional current load may be a way to solve the problem - if one has other devices that you might want to control on the same cycle that is.


Thanks for the info guys!

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