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Is this a good thing ?? or Bad ?? Algae ?


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This just started 2 days ago....it is starting to spread...noticed the same color on some macro algae in the fuge this morning ?? it seems to be light sensitive...and the yellow came first then the red ??


Any ideas ?? (scratch)...............(scary)



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There's not a lot that'll eat it. As it builds up, use a turkey baster to slurp it out and get rid of it. As your good-guy bacteria build up, they'll be better able to deal with the excess nutrients in the water and will outcompete the cyano for food. It'll take weeks though, so don't be impatient and don't let anyone sell you any anti-cyano medicine.

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copy that ....so make no changes ? leave lights and feeding the same and slurp up any slimy stuff....for now nothing to slurp...it looks powdery........if I try to brush it off...then I assume it will spread ? I checked my PO4 and its about .02..all others are good ....Fuge is still developing and the Phosphate reactor been on a little over a week now ...

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As time goes by, it'll start looking less powdery and more like sheets. Bubbles will form underneath it a bit. At that point it'll be a lot easier to slurp up.


Leave the lights and everything as it is for now. Some people continue to have trouble with cyano long after their cycle finishes -- taking a few days with the lights off often helps in that situation but you aren't there yet... hopefully you never will be :)

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I did some reading and I think I'm going to try and UP the flow in that area...and start with a water change ....tank is almost 2 months old and haven't done a full WC yet....added 25 gallons with fuge a week ago ....but was told thats not offically a water change. My water is all within parameters but I think I would feel better with a WC ....I did have a peroid of about 2 weeks where my SG was really low....but fixed that problem over the last few days ....back at 1.024


Thanks again for the help Andy

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I am also battling cyano in my second tank. for me it is really taking over so I am shortening my photoperiod to only a few hours a day.


I have faith that it will pass. It is just a phase that some new tanks go through. Once the bacteria take over it will go away.



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Ugh, dont get me started on cyno. Been battling it for a water.


Flow will help. Its my understanding that finding the cause of the excess phospates is the biggest thing.


I just used Red slime remover, and minus making my skimmer go whacky for a week after, it did a pretty good job and its reef safe.

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would it be better for me to lower my photo peroid now ...before it takes over ?? I am scheduling a WC on Wednesday ....20% and just redirected the Koralina's more direct to the problem area.....other then lowering the photo peroid .....its a waiting game I suppose.

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I went through this on both of my tanks. Don't overfeed, do regular water changes, and it should eventually go away. Do you have a skimmer? I was battling it on my 29g for the first six months. I added a skimmer about a month ago and now it's almost gone.

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If cyano is growing on your sand you might want to consider getting some sand sifters, or at the very least stirring it occasionally to release some of the nitrogen and nitrous oxide in to the atmosphere. These gases are utilized by the cyanobacteria to grow. DON'T STIR THE SAND IF CYANO IS PRESENT, THIS WILL CAUSE IT TO SPREAD!


There's one snail that I know of proven to eat cyanobacteria, and that's a Trochus snail. We use them in all of our systems as they not only eat cyanobacteria, but hair algae (Filamentous), and other various types of green algaes.


I'd like to remind you that the anti-biotics for cyanobacteria are a ABSOLUTE LAST RESORT! If the medication (Which is azithromycin, used commonly for human bacterias.) doesn't work it can cause a superior cyanobacteria strain that is pretty much impossible to get rid of. I've heard of this happening twice already.


Cyanobacteria is relatively easy to manage. All you need is the sand to be sifted. If any cyano appears, vacuum it out with a siphon tube into a bucket to remove it from your tank. You can do the same thing if it appears on your rock.


If it is appearing in your tank naturally during the start of a new tank, it's not that bad. You can vacuum it out though if you please.



Hope this helps! :)



Ricky Soutas Jr.

-Soutas Saltwater & Reef Inc.-

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From my experience, you need to up your flow, use a quality skimmer, and be sure to not over-feed. But it seems to be different from tank to tank so trial-and-error is also a good method! :) We tried a few different things that were supposed to eat it and no one did..

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I have a Corallife Super Skimmer 125 on the tank ( 90 gallon Glass ) ...its working 1/2 way between wet and dry skim mode .....and I directed more flow to the affected area....it is yellow at night then when the lights come on it will turn the red color...then back to yellow as lights go out. I have a few small patches of red on a few rock points and a rock in the fuge has a little red....Sand is all clean.. ( thanks to the diamond gobie ) hopefully its a passing trend.....


On a good note.....I think my frog spawn is pulling thru...its had a hard 2 weeks ..and I caught my Bicolor Pysecudochromis tonight...only took and hour !! Used a glass mason jar, rubber band and a small stick with a string...was better then fishing !! even the dog gets a bone once in awhile !!


Thanks all for the advise and support !

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