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Help me buy a DSLR!


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But every day that my wife is happy is a good day. (clap)


I may never have to buy her a camera, she can't decide on one.

Aw! That's just the sweetest thing ever! :o


He's right... I can't decide on a camera. Nikon seems to have the lowest noise of most cameras, Canon has this huge fanbase that loves the Rebel... even the Olympus Evolt 500 has some nice aspects to it. And of course, my last camera was a Sony which I ADORED which makes the a100 a serious contender.


I didn't know Olympus and Panasonic were coming out with new models next year. But man... I don't know if I can hold out for that long. I'm seriously aching for a camera! It literally pains me not to have a camera!


Thanks for all the info CCCP! Feel free to enlighten me more about the wonderful world of digital SLRs! Sometimes I get a little overwhelmed and want to say "to heck with it!"... especially when it comes to figuring out lenses.


And don't worry, my beloved husband. You will be dropping a serious chunk of change in the near future. I just want to make absolutely sure I'm making the right choice! (scary)


I don't think I can go wrong with Nikon or Canon. Olympus does have a nice thing going giving you two kit lenses. Seems like it's 14mm to 150mm. But one thing I have learned, it's all about the glass. Crap lens, incredible camera... crap pictures. (laugh)

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If you are serious about a DSLR, I'd suggest sticking with either Nikon or Canon. There is going to be a shakeup in the industry, and some familiar names are going to end up going away. Nikon and Canon won't be on that list; just about all the others are possibilities.


If you are still thinking about a point-and-shoot (even a high-end one), you have a bit more latitude since you aren't buying into a given manufacturer's lens system.


If you are still researching, Thom Hogan's site is a good place fro Nikon info. http://www.bythom.com/d80comment.htm is particularly interesting if you're considering the D80. Rob Galbraith gives a good rundown on the new Rebel here.


Decisions, decisions eh? :-)

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DPReview has a Canon XTi400 preview up. Since it is just a preview, it doesn't have any subjective info... that'll come later in the full review. Still an interesting read, though.


[language filter] it Stacy, buy a camera quick -- it's a matter of life and death! All this discussion about new cameras has me starting to think it's time to upgrade, and my wife'll kill me!

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[language filter] it Stacy' date=' buy a camera quick -- it's a matter of life and death! All this discussion about new cameras has me starting to think it's time to upgrade, and my wife'll kill me![/quote']

But I can't decide! I'm takin' you down with me! rofl

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well if you are trying to decide between nikon and Canon i would take nikon any day, they got more lenses to choose from, more accesories and the new D80 should be something that everyone was waiting for :D. But again, it's all about what lens youll get, the better the lens the better the color............ blah blah blah of the picture. About olympus with 2 lenses that they are selling right now, well the thing is the lenses they are selling with the camera are the cheepest from the olympus brands. believe me i have olympus e-300 lenses that came with the camera will do the job, but not somethign u want. so be preperd to get yourself something else. I did i got myself a 50mm macro lens and 18-200mm zoom lens and the difference in color and sharpness is undesc. Once again it's all about lenses.

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Well for what it's worth' date=' I know of one 2.5 year-old Nikon D70 that has very recently stopped working.(sad) [/quote']

No!!! I'm glad it's a free repair though! So how long are you going to end up going without a camera? (scary)


I think I've decided on the Canon Rebel XTi. Mostly decided because of price, although the XTi fits my hands a bit better. I had Jay handle both the D80 and the XTi and he liked the Canon better as well. Course, the price tag could very well have been a factor in it for him! (laugh)


I think I'm just going to get a body and forgo the kit lens. I want to get better quality glass. I've been doing my research on f/stops and such, so I think I'm getting a grasp of lenses and all those weird symbols! DOH!

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I did it. I bought the Canon Rebel XTi... course, they'll call when it comes in. It was out of stock. I ended up getting the kit lens because I just got so overwhelmed with the decision of what lens to purchase in its place!


So now I just need to get a CF card, because I don't think the old 64 mb one in my Coolpix 2500 is going to work. (laugh) And of course I need to get a macro lens (looking at the Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM) and some of those close up lenses to go along with it so I can magnify even more. And I still need to get a zoom lens. I didn't realize how costly image stabilized lenses cost! :eek:


As soon as I get my new camera... and get it figured out, I'll post up some pics! (clap)

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Congratulations! It sounds like you made a good decision, I'm sure you'll be really happy with the Canon. Buying the kit lens was a good idea too, it'll be fine for general photography.


After that macro lens: a tripod, a head, a full-sized camera bag for your whole kit, a smaller bag for everyday use, a travel bag, a speedlight, a copy of Photoshop, a few Photoshop plug-ins, a long zoom, a macro ringlight, a spare camera body (just in case!), an underwater housing (for those *extreme* closeups (laugh)), a flash meter, a colorimeter for calibrating your monitor, a color printer, etc etc. And you thought aquaria are an expensive hobby (devil) ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Guess what Jay brought home today... my Sony DSC-H1. Apparently the golf course had another golf tournament today and the camera was mysteriously left there. All of Jay's pics he took were still on there and a couple of new ones of the perpetrator's garage. Crappy pics, by the way... apparently he had the shakes.


So it's cool to have it back... but now I feel a little bad about getting the new camera. Well, okay. The guilt for buying the new precious passed! (whistle)


Jay might have someone to sell it to at the store anyhow... the Sony, not my precious! Now I just need a faster computer. Doing preliminary adjustments to the RAW files in the Canon program then tranferring it (and converting to TIFF) to Photoshop takes a ong time! I have to say, I love shooting RAW and being able to adjust the white balance after taking the pic. That is just awesome! (clap)

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what i dont get it you left the camera and someone had the camera took pic then returned it back to the golf tournement?

I don't get it either. They stole the camera at the last golf tournament along with all the raffle prizes set aside for the golf course sponsoring the Ray's tournament. Apparently the golf course had another tournament today and the camera just "showed up" in the pro shop. Jay said it was someone from the Kiwanis (Ray's and the Kiwanis put on the golf tournament to help the schools together) and told Jay that the camera turned up.


It all sounds fishy to me. I'm more inclined to think it was an employee of any of the three establishments. But hey, I got it back... and I was really surprised to see it again!

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maybe loan your computer to jay .....lol

Brilliant idea! rofl


I probably will end up selling the Sony. I want to get a 70-300mm zoom lens because I like nature photography. I definitely need a good zoom lens for that! Just gotta talk to Jay about the price to sell the old one for.

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Now they could have at least been a little creative and put on a mask and took a picture....

Someone stole something of mine in the office and I got a randsom note the next day (saying my wife has to bake cookies) with a pic of the perp with his head covered and holding a gun to the stolen object.... People I swear.. LOL

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Has the Canon come in yet?

I've been considering one myself. My "old" SLR is a Canon and have already invested "a bit" of $$ in lenses and I'm pleased with Canon but would like to hear first hand accounts if'n ya don't mind :)


I'm really pleased with the camera. Haven't had any problems with it. Battery life is excellent, takes great pics (though I really need a better quality lens than the kit lens), and I absolutely love the option of shooting RAW! I don't regret the purchase one bit. But remember, I'm jumping from prosumer to DSLR, so I'm pretty easily impressed! (laugh)


Can't wait for Andy to have his photography workshop so I can learn a bit more about the manual settings though! ;)

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Can I come to the photography worhshop? When is it? OH BTW congrates on your new camera. Sounds like a nice piece.


How deep would the ocean be with out sponges?


I'm really pleased with the camera. Haven't had any problems with it. Battery life is excellent, takes great pics (though I really need a better quality lens than the kit lens), and I absolutely love the option of shooting RAW! I don't regret the purchase one bit. But remember, I'm jumping from prosumer to DSLR, so I'm pretty easily impressed! (laugh)


Can't wait for Andy to have his photography workshop so I can learn a bit more about the manual settings though! ;)

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