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Need help in Eugene


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After 6 months of neglecting my tank, it's gotten pretty bad and I don't know how to fix it. I was hoping somebody on here would be willing to come over to my place and tell me what I can do to rid my tank of all the bad stuff growing in it. I am sure I am doing a couple things wrong that could take care of most of the issues. I'd even be willing to throw down a couple bucks, I just want the tank back to what it used to be.



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FYI this is not the "Zoalander" that was associated with the "purple hornets joke". This one is real.


We removed all rock, scrubbed it, cleaned all glass, powerheads, sand, ect. Added some flow, adjusted water parameters, reaquascaped for more flow, and got this tank set up for success. I hope that you can enjoy it again.


Get the sand sifting star, have water tested. Add 1tsp kalk/gal of top off. stay on top of top off to maintain consistant salinity. keep algae in check. feed lightly, very lightly. make sure you come get more RODI water, for top off and water changes. When you are here I will give you some chaeto.


Do you like your aquascape? Lets see some pics?

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I didn't respond to this at first because I thought it was him. He is here at work with me now so I wasn't going to bite. It took until your post for me to notice the difference in spelling of name.


Would like to see pic's please. Welcome to PNWMAS.

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i think he has other problems right now. he called me and his fish are all dying. his clown and chromis aren't doing good. i told him to move everything live to the QT tank, and hope for the best. told him that ammonia probably spiked with cleanup, and he should test water tomorrow. but eventually i am sure we will get pix.

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Went to Aqua Serene today to find out what happened to the tank and both guys I talked to were in agreeance that it was probably hydrogen sulfite released from the sand bed. Sounds like the tank is staying how it is for a couple of weeks.

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here's a link for more info. Randy Holmes-Farley is the man when it comes to reef chemistry, one of the best in the world.




there was a couple small patches of black sand when we were cleaning the tank, but they weren't too big. also, it says in the article that there would be a bad rotten egg smell, and i didn't notice much of one, just fish smell. according to the article there is a small amount of hydrogen sulfide in each fish naturally, and they can tolerate different amounts. apparently the clown had a low tolerance, sorry my friend. but use this as an opportunity to learn.

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It's all good, it happens. Your help still made the tank better overall. The guy I talked to worked at OCA for over a year and said that anything over about 2" is prone to anaerobic things like hydrogen sulfite and that you don't want to do a deep clean on a bed like that. Surface yes, stirring the bottom, no. It's also where having something like a sand sifting star would prove beneficial (Which nobody had, BTW, so if you know of one for sale...).


Almost everything has died in the tank but I am taking it as an oppurtunity for a fresh start and also something to help others who might make this same mistake.

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Update: Came home to another dead Chromis. So far, I've lost all my poylps and mushrooms, a Perc, 3 Chromis' and about a dozen or so snails. The last remaining Chromis looks healthy so I'm hoping he will not give up on me. Other than that, the two hermit crabs left and the Watchmen Goby are doing well. Before I knew of my tanks impending doom I also bought this guy:




as well as ten more hermit crabs. He was going to live in the sump but since there is nothing in the main tank I figured I would give him a vacation for a bit. Assuming nothing else dies I am going to pick up a few snails this weekend. I'm hoping nothing else dies.

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hmm.....This may have no benifit but there are these polyfiber filter pads that change color depending on what is in water. I am not saying that you have something in your water, but sometimes there could be stuff in there that aren't tested for.JMO

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i would not worry about the poly pad. it is good to have on hand though. next time you are at the fish store grab one. they can be a life saver, removing almost any toxins.


we already know what you have. from the article reading it seems whatever was going to die, has already done it. lets hope. do that next water change and you should be fine. just give it time and water changes to stabilize.

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