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Teachers with tanks?


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Cool it worked!! Here are the rest.


You can see the tank with lights. There are three large pieces of rock in here from LS. 68 LBS.

I got a bigger sump setup today (20 gallons aga vs. the old 10 gal wet dry sump) today. You can see the bulkhead and plexiglass cover hanging over. Also notice the chiller in the back behind the sump. It is 1/5 hp. Protein skimmer fits in the sump nicely and is working well( better than when hanging in the back. I added live sand to the chaetomorpha macro algae in the "refugium.


In addition I did a 25% water change today. My readings were as follows.


SG 1.024

ph 8.3

Ammonia 0

Nitrate 0

I am still hemming and hawing about fish. I'll decide for sure next week when I "have" to go to work!

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Don't know if anyone has mentioned it yet, but I was in Petco this weekend getting dog food, and they have a sign up wanting to donate a fully working aquarium to a school teacher, with lesson plans, the whole 9 yrds. Just figured I'd throw it out there just in case any teachers were interested. It was on a banner in the window. Don;t know if it was just for Bend, or state(nation)wide

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I think that the tank set up at Petco is for a 10 gal. fresh water tank. Ron Poppeil works at the one in Corvallis so hopefully he will respond to this post. Getting to fish for your tank, tidalsculpin, I was at school yesterday during registration. Big mistake. Had my door open and was blasted with kids and parents all day long. Needless to say not much was accomplished, however it was pretty neat that 3 year olds were looking at my tank yelling Nemo and Dory!!! Might be something to the popular fish as starters. Spayne my Red Knob evil star is rocking in the tank. He may be reef evil but still pretty cool. Luckily no clams in that tank. Tidalsculpin, if you make it to the BBQ make sure you pull up a chair and we can chat. If a really tall guy is talking to me (DROCK) just ignore him.....LOL

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  • 2 years later...

So this is how far I have come on this tank. Definite progress. It is now an 80 gallon and has more stuff in it. Two years down the line my students and I have become experienced reefers.










This tank is a donation from Flyguy. He gave it to me two years ago. Took a year to get it setup instead of the 60 but creates lots more room. This tank is a bear to take care of in the Summer. I worry about it incessantly.



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  • 4 months later...

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