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You know, I hadn't heard much about it, but recognized the name. I saw the banner above and clicked on it. I've been feeding some frozen from Petco and have been looking for something better. I'm totally headed to Waves this weekend to pick some of this up.


So tell our sponsers that the banners work.

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Best food you can feed bar none :D. I've been feeding it for the past year and don't feed anything else. It feeds the entire tank from tiny feathers to the fish. My Picasso's love it and their colors are vibrant. Not sure where you live but if you're not near PDX you can also get it at Oasis in Redmond. It's $20.99 for a pack (sorry not sure how large the packet is)

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Those of you who are feeding it exclusively, how much do you feed roughly speaking? A similar amount as you would of the frozen Hikari mysis cubes, say? I'm curious since a lot of the mass of Rod's Food seems to be pretty fine 'grained' I worry about it contributing to excess organics in the water column.

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Maybe a piece slightly bigger then a quarter? I feed it to my 65g which house a kole tang, foxface, pair of clowns, and a bicolor blenny. All of them eat it. I feed daily. I often feed a second feeding of daphnia or cycopleeze, and once in awhile when I thaw to much mysis for my other tank, I'll feed that too.



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Yeah I feed a pretty good size chunk of it also. My tank looks like it is a mess after feeding but everyone loves it and I love to see all the acans open up. Sometimes I just shut the return off and all but one pump and just let it all move around the tank for a while as the corals love that.

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