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Well am going to take down my cube in preperation for my new tank(clap) But have a few things that wont be making the move.


A pair of harlequin shrimp 40$

Blue Hippo tang 3 to 4 inchs 40$

Kole tang 3 to 4 inchs 40$


Can get the shrimp anytime but the tangs will have to wait until I tear the tank down. So if interested let me know oh and can deliver the shrimp to the Christmas party also.

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Ok so the tangs are on hold for Trevor till I can get them out when the tank comes down.


Now for more livestock! Am selling my Black and White clowns 75$ for the pair. Female is almost totaly black but still has a little orange on her snout and is about 2 1/2 to 3 inchs long. Male is about 2 inchs long and still has some orange on his snout. They have been together for about 6 months and do not havea problem except that they host in a duncan(laugh) They are not laying eggs yet either.

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