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Guest LisaJill

I used the inverted soda bottle method over the Firefish's hidey hole. 30 minutes later I had a firefish in a bottle.


What you do is chop off the top of a 2 litre bottle of soda, turn it over and stick it into the rest of the bottle. Use superglue so it stays together. The fish has a large area to enter but usually can't find the way out.


I had this in the tank a few days with no luck, put it over his hole and bam, one firefish, no dismantle necessary.

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Guest LisaJill

Is it possible to get the bottle in his general path? That's what I did for the midas blenny - same problem you have; so I put the bottle near the hole so he'd have to go at least near it, it took a few hours but he did go in.

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Guest LisaJill

It's something that's cheap and easy to do until someone else comes around with an idea. there is a 27 or so page thread on reefcentral with ideas as well, though I don't have the link at the moment. Good luck =)

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Guest LisaJill

That food theory didn't work with mine; just meant that the food would rot if not removed. My firefish, at least, had very little interest in exploring so I had to make sure I got his normal route.

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I had a damsel that I ended up catching in a ziploc bag. Had even tried fishing for him before trying the ziploc (smallest hooks i had and salmon eggs, no luck). put a large ziploc in tank, rocks to weight it down, and food in it. Did this a few times and damsel charged in, blockd his exit with net. Recently caught a yellow tang with an open plastic jar. put jar in tank, fed only in jar for three or so days, tang started eating in jar, blocked exit with a net. Good luck!

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Just leave the top of your tank off. It should take about two weeks, then the fire fish will end up carpet surfing.


Probably not the solution that you are looking for but at least it will be out of your tank...




I had firefish in an open tank for four years before my first one jumped. I didn't even know a fish could jump at the time. I was really pissed at my cat though. (laugh) Poor cat.

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