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I have two lps corals that appear sick and dying. My green tipped torch and a large hammer coral are effected. They both have similar symptoms. A large polyp wil have receding flesh. They are giving off a terrible slime that looks brown and almost cyano type slimy. I would say three polyps are effected on a 20 head hammer. One polyp on my three head torch is sick. I looked for parasites. I thought I saw some small white eggs in a group on one healty head. I heard something about evil stony flatworms and I am worried.


What do you recommend for treatment?


I will take pics tomorrow.


Sounds like Brown Jelly disease, a protozoan infection. There are a bunch of articles out there, just Google "brown jelly disease" This is a nasty infection, hard to beat I'm afraid :(


OK, so this makes some sense. I read about treatment. Looks like I just siphon the diseased areas and pray. I could do a dip, buy sounds like the results are mixed. I think I know the reason for the infection now too. About a week ago I treated some aiptasia with kalk. A bit of kalk landed on the hammer. It retracted the same polyps that are effected.


If there is a unaffected area, I would recommend you frag a piece and separate to another tank, just don't introduce the disease to more softies in another tank, if thats the case frag and move to other side of same tank at least it will have a shot.


Yah keep an eye on it and if it continues downhill frag off a piece and keep in another tank. I have an SPS QT tank if you need a place to keep it ;)


Thanks miles. I did a thorough siphon of all effected areas. I will check again today around one to see if more is effected. Jay from hello guppy is going to help me with an iodine dip.


By the way my tank temps are great this week even with the 90 degree weather. I am a lot less anxious about it now. 78.3 is normal.

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