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blue tang


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So I bought a tiny blue tang for my 29gal the other day.... (WILL OUTGROW QUICK I KNOW!!!!) But I am begining searches for a bigger tank now!!!!

Anyway the tank he is in is a mirror back tank. He has picked a favorite corner and just swims back and forth along the back of the tank. He seems to be doing ok otherwise, I haven't really noticed him eating to much but I am not home all day sooo? (scratch)I cannot figure out if its stress or if he just likes the look of himself(naughty)(agree)(dancing). He stops frequently and seems to admir himself.

Any Ideas????????.........

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blue tang


That is funny because the spot he hangs out is actually right next to my powerhead and my intake......

He has settled in better this weekend though, he is now swimming more about the whole tank and eating very well. He even hangs out with my black clowns from time to time...... Funny I know, he will swim with them for a few minutes above their anemone(scratch). I will keep some updates posted as they come.(scary)

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  • 1 month later...

My buddy's blue tang will go straight at the powerhead all day long. He gets pushed out and goes right back. Then after about 20 minutes of that he goes into the watchman goby's cave and lays sideways across the goby.(nutty) Typical blue tang, should be called the clown tang but thats already taken...

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the watchman goby's cave...


ZOMG I was just looking at these posts on my way to starting a "Please ID this fish" thread with a pic. I did a google image search to see what a watchman goby looks like and low and behold...this is my previously unidentified fish:) Thanks for the help w/ ID. I think I got a steal on it...the person selling it to me didnt know what it was and sold it as a yellow clown goby due to the color. I knew it wasnt right, but he didnt seem to care...so why should I. *shrug*



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  • 2 weeks later...

Yea, I didnt see him at all for the first 2 weeks, even during feedings. Now he's out and about and will sit still even as I approach the tank. I was in the kitchen watching the tank from a distance a couple days ago and I saw him scoot around and check out the back side of the big rock his cave is under...I'm sure if I confronted him about it he would deny the adventure though(laugh)

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(laugh)(laugh)(laugh) Yes he would, with a stern face about it too. Don't ever think he is dead either unless you have proof. I didn't see the little guy for about 4 months once. I couldn't tell you what he was up to or where he went but he was MIA. Then one day, he was back as normal. Great fish overall though. You should look into getting a shrimp for him to pair up with. I forget the type but they are a riot to watch...

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