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A bit of helpful info

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So i know there are other people out there that have a seaclo(w)ne skimmer that think it is the biggest piece of crap ever thought up. Well I modded mine today and now it is a skimming machine. I'm only using it on a 16g nano, so.... i'm not sure how big of a tank it would work for but here's what i did.


Take out the impeller on the MJ1200 and do the bio ball mod. (cut it so it fits around the impeller instructions on Reefcentral.com )


While the impeller is out, drill 1 small hole in each blade.


Drill a small hole in the top of the cup lid. Just big enough for a piece of rigid tubing. Put an airstone on the tubing and run a pump to it.


I'm telling you this thing is skimming harder than the berlin I had on my 45g. I'm impressed.



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