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Red Sea Aiptasia-X Review, Part #1


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Aiptasia-X Review - Part #1



In the past, I’ve used Joe’s Juice to deal with aiptasia but it hasn’t worked well at all. Joe’s Juice is certainly good at pissing off aiptasia, causing them to spread, but it isn’t much use when you want to actually destroy the little buggers. If the information in the Aiptasia-X documentation is to be believed this is because products like Joe’s Juice panic the aiptasia, causing it to puke forth great gouts of planula then go into a biological version of lockdown.



Judging by the pretty pinkish-purple color of Aiptasia-X, the Evil Geniuses ™ at Red Sea have solved this problem by mixing the toxic/corrosive active ingredient with birthday cake. In addition to imparting a lovely lavender color, the cake makes the goop irresistibly yummy-smelling to aiptasia. To seal the deal, they added one additional secret ingredient: glue.



Here’s how it’s supposed to play out:

  1. The noble aquarist moves the Aiptasia-X loaded syringe (which comes with long tips, much nicer than the ones Joe’s Juice charges you extra for) within range of the target aiptasia, and releases a small amount of payload.
  2. The target aiptasia smells the cake, and though initially suspicious (”Hey, it’s not my birthday but… CAKE!”) can’t help but reach out hungrily for some of the delicious treat.
  3. The aquarist moves the tip of the syringe to the oral disk of the aiptasia and releases more of the goop.
  4. “Cake!” NOM NOM NOM
  5. The aquarist gently covers the aiptasia’s entire oral disk with “delicious” cake.
  6. Here’s where things start to get really twisted — the aiptasia, suffering the unpleasant effects of having eaten a bunch of corrosive goop, realizes that the cake is a lie.
  7. Melting from the inside out, the aiptasia tries to expel the goop and release it’s larva but quickly realizes it can’t because SOME SICK S.O.B. has gone ahead and mixed GLUE in with the obviously-not-cake — glue that has sealed up the little bugger’s sole bodily orifice.
  8. Aiptasia and planula melt away like Frosty the Snowman in an oddly-placed hothouse.
  9. The Aquarist celebrates the elimination of the pest anemone.

I can vouch for steps #1 through roughly #7; whether Aiptasia-X can deliver on steps #8 and #9 remains to be seen. I’ll let you know in a week or so. Here’s hoping.



Oh, and even if it doesn’t work — kudos to the Evil Geniuses ™ at Red Sea. The product concept alone is pure gold.

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I read of a problem where a midas blenny was injured by the product.


Here is a video




For the record Red Sea has been notified and claims it must be a sensitivity with one particular fish and not all midas blennies.


I'll continue to use the Bic lighter and the occasional joe's juice on mine.



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I bet I have 50 of them in my tank. Ya know there are many varieties of aptyasia. I had 2 for 2 years that never reproduced so I let them stay. Then I got a xenia rock from this guy with about 4 of them. I told myself I will get them later....well now I have 50 and whenever I try to kill them with Joes Juice or kalk paste or whatever I endup with twice as many. And pepermint did not work for me....mabey they were to small and I think my starfish or anemone ate them because they only stuck around for mabey 2-3 weeks. They were really small. I will try the new stuff I think.



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I just tried Aiptasia-X yesterday. You really kind of fish for them. You exude the goop towards the tentacles as you move in, and then, as they begin to eat, you cover them and they implode. It truly is a kinda bizarre procedure.

I do like the stuff....so far.

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