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I Got In To Vet School!!


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Well a lot of people are telling me I should go to Ohio. More established program (over 100 years old) versus Oregon. The small animal hospital at Oregon is just a couple years old and they don't have as good of a caseload, don't have the support of the private clinics that give the referrals yet. At Ohio they are doing things like hip replacement and elbow replacement surgeries. Retrovirus research. This is a tougher decision then I thought. Should I stay where I am happy and VERY comfortable, for a lower quality (but still good) education, or should I make a difficult move where I won't be as comfortable (at least initially) for a world class education? Others are saying I will make the most of wherever I go so I should go where I am comfortable. They say I was raised on the west coast and will be miserable in Ohio weather. What to do???

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OSU is pretty well up and coming. They got a ginormic donation from some lady and they are adding a whole bunch of new stuff. I know some people who graduated from the Vet school and some who are in it now and haven't heard any complaints. I think the biggest difference will be the name. If you want to get a job with a local practice, then Oregon will be fine, if you want to get a job on Animal Planet, then better do Ohio.

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Well I've been talking to some of the faculty at the vet school and I really like the extra effort they give in making time to talk and meet with me. At a big school like Ohio I might get lost in the crowd (3x's the class size). I'm meeting with more people tomorrow and sitting in on an anatomy lab next week. Also I put in a request to talk to Dr. Tim Miller-Morgan about opportunities in aquatic medicine. Leaning towards staying here! LOL!


Oh yeah I just found at I got accepted at Kansas State too :) But I've been there and can definitely rule that school out now that I have other choices.

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