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how to frag.....

mister crabs

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Ok so the xenia and the kenya tree that have been in my tank for around 3 months are getting huge. have already grown at least grown 3x in size. so my question is how do you frag these guys? I figure i am going to have to do it in the next few weeks. do you just cut the stalk and superglue it to rubble or what? thanks for the help guys!! -John

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depending on the type of xenia, try to cut as close to the base as possible. Most types will grow back with even the slightest bit left behind. How to attach it to something is up to you. I have tried superglue, but it didnt work. the best way Ive found is to rubber band the base to a piece of rubble. After a week or so, it should attach on its own. Just be sure the band isnt too tight. The other option is to leave it free floating in a rubble tank or sump with adequate light, and let it attach itself . Just my experience, so I hope someone else has a different idea...

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Reef Fishers idea is a great one in the sump but have seen it done this way and like it better. Just like RF said but no sump. Anyway get a small container and put a bunch of holes in it or get a container already with holes like a strawberry container you get at the store. Put a bunch of rubble in it aong with the frags and cover it and put it in you main system tank. It works great for mushrooms to. This way if you do not have a light in your sump you are good to go. Hope this helps and hope you get some frags!

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I like to put some rubble right next to or on the xenia while its still attached to the mother colony and let it attach first then either cut it or it will move on its own



This worked for me in my sons tank with some Zenia. I put a little pc of rock next to it and a few weeks later pulled it off. It ripped the xenia but came back strong.

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I use a glad disposable tupperware deal, fill it with rubble and place sliced up xenia in it, place it in a low flow spot in the tank and within a few days they are attached. With my tree coral i used a needle and thread, poked it through base of frag and tied it around the rock.

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