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10 gallon waterbox. Complete with clownfish.


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Hello.  I have a 10 gallon water box I’m looking to sell.  It’s got everything needed for a happy tank. It was thriving with 2 bubbletip anemones and a bunch of rock flower anemones. 2 clownfish. My heater malfunctioned a few weeks ago and killed off everything except the clownfish. I woke up to a 100 degree tank. Very amazing the clowns survived. I have another reef tank and I don’t have the energy to restart this one. Anyway, here is a list of equipment. I’m asking 600 for the whole setup.

waterbox 10 cube

kracken reef cover

AI prime HD (not the 16 newer model)

hygger wave maker 

tunes 9001 protein skimmer

autoaqua ATO

1x snowstorm clownfish

1x Wyoming white clownfish

 Both seem to be doing surprising well after the heater malfunction 


you’ll need your own heater as the one currently in there is my backup.

tank seems to still be cycled still.  I had a diatom explosion after the die off of cleanup crew but tank seems fine otherwise. Both clowns hosted the anemones that were in there  I’m sure you could purchase a bubble tip and it will be good. Everything but the light is fairly new. Bout it earlier this summer. Light I got second hand but works perfectly.






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