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Cherub angelfish


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So I have a cherub angelfish in my tank that is kind of becoming a bully fish. This is the most aggressive I've seen the fish act. I added a very small sailfin tang today and the angel just wants to kill it. Ten minutes of them in the tank together and the sailfin tang has a damaged fin. Ive tried to net the angel to let the tang swim free, but can't net the angel. Anyone else have trouble with cherub angelfish becoming aggressive? 

That pvc is 1.5 inch diameter 



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Sounds like your best bet might be finding a home for the Angel, at least if you want other fish... Too bad too, beautiful fish! From my experience it's usually best adding aggressive fish like that very last, maybe you could have tried adding the tang first then adding the Angel after rearranging some of your aquascape so it's not so territorial. But then again maybe it's just an aggressive fish and that wouldn't have mattered I've never kept one myself


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