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Setting up a 180 that has been sitting in my garage. It's a freshwater tank and I'm using a giant EHEIM 2262 filter. I plug it in and it's dripping out of a spot that I know just needs a new O-ring. So I unscrew it, put the new O-ring in (I've got spares) and I'm tightening it up when I remember I forgot a bracket. So I reach in to untighten the pump cover it and turn it the wrong way.....over tightening it.

Aaaannnndd....that's when I broke the pump cover. $10 piece of plastic that will now take 5 days to get to me. So no new tank this weekend.

Just venting. 

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That sucks!!! 😞  Lucky this didn't happen while the tank was already up and running. This is  a good example of why you might want to consider having a cheap one laying around just in case of an event like this to have another part on hand.

I'm sure if you put up a post someone on the forums has an extra one laying around that can get you through for 5 days.

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