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crazy worm growth

city hunter

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So, I have rarely ran a skimmer on the tank, had one running for awhile, externally then water leak from hell twice. I'm still working on fixing it, but I have a decently high bioload, and really dont keep much for coral. potters wrasse, 2 pearly jawfish that literally rework the sand bed every few weeks lol, 2 lyertail anthias, 2 firefish, 2 midas blennies, and a bi color blenny


Lately these little worms have really taken over a low light lower rock in my tank. I dont really mind, they are pretty cool looking, but im curious why in just the low light area. the entire tank has pretty good flow, 2 power heads, maybe I need a third


with that being said, I really need to get a skimmer going again.


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Kind of Cool Looking! One of the chambers in my AIO that holds Bio Media, next to my Cheato chamber is completely covered with them! They occasionally escape into the main display but don't seem to stick around for long :)

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Don't know how well you can see this pic (hard to get in that spot and my camera sucks lol) but I have the same exact thing going on with the little feather sister worms in the bottom right corner of one of my tanks! I actually like the little guys, they're everywhere in the tank but not as concentrated as this spot.72428c4a4538ee17b203fbfc04e01eed.jpg

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I have a feeling it is just an area that does not get as much flow and the nutrients settle there but very interesting. They are cool looking and not problematic other than they can over grow a space you might want to put another coral. My melanarus eats them so I don't have them growing like I used to.

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Completely harmless filter feeder fan worms.  Since you are not running a skimmer, there is more stuff floating in the water for them to eat than in a heavily skimmed tank. I saw a similar proliferation of these in an unskimmed prop tank I had running for awhile.  Indicates that the water is 'dirty' enough to support them with floating foods, but not that the water quality is necessarily bad.

They probably grow mostly in low light areas because they are non-photosynthetic so don't need the light and there is less competition in those areas.  They also seem to prefer lower water flow and lower light areas tend to have less water flow.

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I had these all over a 65g high brackish puffer tank I ran many years ago. The tank had relatively low flow and low light, and employed an Aqua C Remora Pro HOB skimmer. The worms proliferated and, I thought at the time, helped a bit with water quality through filter feeding suspended food particulate. I probably fed too much since I preferred my puffers fat. Chopped frozen gumbo pretty much daily. I also had 3 scats in the tank, fed spirulina. They got HUGE. When I moved, the puffers were happily rehomed into a friend's 200g system along with the worm-covered rock.

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