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BTA problem


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I did a ton of research, as a lot of questions, and decided to go with a BTA. Nice little guy, beautiful green, nice size.


Things were well for 3 days, then he decided to go on walk about in my tank and found the power head. He was fine when I went to bed last night, and I found him about 6 am this morning.


I pulled him out (after turning off the power of course) and placed him in the sump. His foot is holding on slightly to a bit of rock but he looks pretty injured.


I have read that anenomes often end up in power heads and wonder what the survival rate is. Should I leave him in the sump and monitor??? Or assume that the damage is to great and remove him?



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The best course would have been to unplug the PH, and let the anemone crawl out on it's own. More damage is done trying to pull it out.


If the sump has a light, leave it in a low flow area. Don't give up hope on it.


Have you read the page on Karens rose anemone? http://www.karensroseanemones.com/

It shows how to make a powerhead cover. Something you should do if you want to keep your BTA safe.

(here I am telling you to do it, and I have not done it for myself yet... :) )


I hope the poor thing gets better.



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Yea, I would just try to let them recover. Some anemones can take quite a bit of abuse and still live to survive, like when people frag anemones by just cutting them in half and letting them heal themselves into two seperate anemones.


The site that dsoz recommended is a GREAT site and I always recommend it to anyone who is researching BTA's or is having problems with one.


Good luck and keep us posted! :)

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Thanks for the info. I unplugged the PH (HYDOR) and opened the case. He was pretty wrapped up, but slid out easily. His foot is still stuck and I can see a few tentacles open, but he looks pretty bad.


There is light in the sump, and I will keep an eye out for the next few days. Poor guy. As for the site to make covers, I will look into it....



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I bet he will make it. I'd leave him in the display. My rose bta just emerged from hiding and is recovering well from a powerhead incident. He spent probably close to two months back behind my rockwork healing before he ventured out again, he was ripped in half and had no tentacles to speak of. They seem to move when hungry, well fed they tend to stay put. good luck!

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Yes it should be fine I to had a rose try and go through a tunze nanostream. Luckily my son saw it and told mom to unplug the PH. She to tryed to get it out as my son is saying mom leave it alone. I was working out of town and gat a phone call. As of today the rose is doing great and healed right up. Good luck with it and hope it heals up quickly.

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good thing you have a son that knows about your tank. :D


He is my little fish geek. 8 yrs old and surfs the net looking at fish sites. All I here is Dad lets get this oooh look at this. Today he saw a shrimp of somekind and was Dad I want this. I am glad he love the tank and actually knows everything that is in there. Funny thing is he is real shy but you take him to the LFS and he will talk your ear off about what he has in his tank. I can hardly get a word in sometimes.


Ok thread hi jack over.

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A brief update...the BTA AKA Bernie has moved from the bottom of the sump to one of the rocks in the sump. He had about 5 tentacles out. I checked out the link for covering power heads. Too bad she didn't have input on the Hydors. Their shape may be tricky. Luckily I am very handy so I am sure I will figure something out.


Will keep you updated. I would take some pictures, but I have no batteries for the camera now...



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Here you go probably not what you wanted to see.






I had my first loss today. My beautiful green BTA that I enjoyed for all of three days died. The trauma from the PH was too much and I feel awful that it was my fault. I think I got him out before he started to decompose, but will do a large water change tomorrow just incase. In the meantime, I kicked up the skimmer and am running some carbon.


I think I will avoid anenomes in the future.



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