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Looking for Fomalin Solution - Brooklynella outrbreak


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I lost my Kole tang yesterday, and he had no real signs of disease other than a few white blotches on his front fins. Today, my Flame angel and clownfish have what looks like Brooklynella.

I have called Cuttlefish, The Wet Spot and Pets on Broadway, nobody seems to have any formalin solution in stock. Does anyone in the NE PDX area happen to have some I can use and I will get you back. From what I have read, this will kill the fish within 72 hours if not treated and it's been at least 36 hours since the tang had signs of something wrong.


If anyone can help, please IM me. Thank you!


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I have some but am down in Springfield.  If anyone is headed up to Portland and wants to swing by and pick some up I will be happy to help.  

Thanks Sean, I'm trying Seachem's Paraguard with my clowns in a QT. The directions don't give you much information other than the dosage amount per volume of water, so I'm going to do the 5-days of treatment as you would with other medications and see how they are doing. They survived the night and the first dosage, hoping for the best.

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