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Any pro tips for clam spawning


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The clam itself is football sized. I recently moved and it's been in a safe quarantine tank. I freaked out and asked around. I've sent videos and pictures to a few people I know and they think it's spawning. I'm treating the tank with Seachem prime, carbon, skimming, filter sock change, water change, and purfiltrum. Any other hot tips?

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The clam itself is football sized. I recently moved and it's been in a safe quarantine tank. I freaked out and asked around. I've sent videos and pictures to a few people I know and they think it's spawning. I'm treating the tank with Seachem prime, carbon, skimming, filter sock change, water change, and purfiltrum. Any other hot tips?

I've had a clam go through this process. I guess they can do this if they get extremely stressed. Kind of like a defense mechanism to produce more offspring in the chance they are going to die. I kept the skimmer running the whole time, but I had to empty the collection cup every ten minutes or so at first. Then as the hours went by, it filled the cup slower and slower.


My situation also happened after moving. I think it can happen when it gets too cold, but I can't recall for sure.


Just keep the temp up, keep skimming, and your carbon will help. I'm not sure on doing water changes because they can just be more fluctuations in the tank and stress the animal even more. Someone else may have more insight on that aspect though.

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I believe the onset was stress. I just moved. Someone had unplugged my auto top off system and I didn't realize until I went to fill the reservoir. My mistake, I believe, was that I probably corrected the salinity too soon. I'm not sure what other precautions to take to improve the chances of it surviving. I have a [language filter] remora skimmer and I've gotten some organic matter out of the tank but i'm not sure it's enough. I'll be pretty devastated if it doesn't make it. I've had it a year and it came out of Doug's tank. It's one of the massive beautiful clams. 

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I believe the onset was stress. I just moved. Someone had unplugged my auto top off system and I didn't realize until I went to fill the reservoir. My mistake, I believe, was that I probably corrected the salinity too soon. I'm not sure what other precautions to take to improve the chances of it surviving. I have a [language filter] remora skimmer and I've gotten some organic matter out of the tank but i'm not sure it's enough. I'll be pretty devastated if it doesn't make it. I've had it a year and it came out of Doug's tank. It's one of the massive beautiful clams.

I certainly wish you the best. My clam was also one from Doug's tank. It survived the move, but unfortunately it didn't make the second move three months later. I was super disappointed.
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Well it tried to kill itself on Saturday and made it until last night. I woke up and the ammonia in my tank is out of control and it isn't responsive anymore. RIP. I'm extremely disappointed. I spent quite a bit of money on products to save it. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I kept my shell and ended up placing it back in my quarantine tank. It had some pretty cool coco worms on the shell so I didn't want to end them. Currently two clownfish are hosting in the clam. But it is a reminder of ..... either accidents happen or don't do anything wrong. 

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