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I am back!


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Some might remember me, some might not... but i am back!

I all but completely dropped out of the hobby a few years ago.

It all started with a very small amount of hair algae on a rock i got. I figured my tank cleaners would devour it and no big deal!

How WRONG was that!!!

It spread and spread and spread, choking out most everything including my favorite - a frog spawn that i had had for years! (one i had divided many times and brought as free frags to our group meetings). My heater also went crazy at some point during the whole thing and killed off the weakest of my creatures.

I ended up replacing it and all of my lights and finally got the hair under control. But was too frustrated to really go any further with the tank. So I basically let it sit for a couple years and only did minimal maintenance.... There is a lot that contributed to my break, the greatest of which was going through a divorce over two years ago. Then i met a wonderful lady and we got married a year ago.... and have three kids between us (ages 6, 10 and 16)! I think you might be able to understand setting the hobby aside...


BUT! I am now back!!!


I have a few great little frags that I would love to trade, I will list and picture them later. In trade (or just in kindness) i am looking for:


-Xenia (believe it or not, my Xenia died in the mess of things! I thought there was no killing that stuff! But it is always a guests' favorite so i have to have it) I use to have both the white pom pom kind and the pinkish brown kind (i can't even remember the names!).


-Frog Spawn (i really miss my frog spawn!)


-Colorful polyps - i have lots of brown...


-Other soft corals



I will accept any frag, even really small stuff - i use to have great success in growing from the smallest frags ever!


Also - and i might post this in another post - I am looking to get some lights in bulk. 96W PC (36"). If you are interested in getting some of these i think i can sell them for $25-30 to you depending on how many i can order. Just let me know if you are interested and if you want straight or square pin.


My setup:

45 Gallon glass

20 Gallon Rubbermade sump

homemade skimmer (somebody else made it, i bought it from them).


I have ran my tank since 1995, i don't use additives of any kind.

My algae outbreak was determined to be caused by a combo of a bad heater and bad (old) lights.


Take care... i hope to make it to a meeting soon!

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I'd be more that happy to frag my frogspawn for you. Here is a PIC.




I also have a bunch of Xenia on a rock that is about 12 inches across. It is covered in Xenia. I have lots of purple mushrooms, 2 large colts that I could frag, GSP's, and some Zoos.


I am all the way down in Creswell, which is 5 miles south of Eugene, but I get up to Portland at least once a month. Let me know if you would like some pics.



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So i missed this month's meeting... i will have to try next month. That should give me some time to get some pics of the frags i want to give away.

A frag of that frogspawn would be fantastic! Thank you for offering. Maybe next meeting? Unless you think you will be up in portland sooner? I'd like to see the other pictures too.

Take care,


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