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Weekly Testing


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To allow us to compare, I am going to make a graph of what users answer to this question.


What do you test in your saltwater aquarium weekly?


I tried to find an embedded graph where users could click their answer, but I couldn't find it without leaving the forum.


My say: Alkalinity, pH. I haven't had a need to test calcium or magnesium weekly, quite yet. The once a week water changes help with most issues. I don't really have to worry about phosphates or nitrates with the bio-load and only test them periodically.

Edited by milesmiles902
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At this point the only thing I do weekly is water changes. So I am checking Salinity 1 per week. Once a month I test for Nitrate and Phosphate with RedSea kits. My tank is nothing fancy and I don' dose anything so I am employing the K.I.S.S. method of reefing =)

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