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Living fossil found!

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Well, it was 1300 feet down. It's not like we can just put our tanks on our backs and go down that far! Small wonder we can't find him.


What's the deal with the front claws? I see the eyes are reminicent of a stomotapod, although, likely suited to deep water. This family just evolves by leaps and bounds.


Shrimp will one day evolve past humans, and then will take over the world.

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Shrimp will one day evolve past humans, and then will take over the world.

Then they will have tanks, and catch a human as a hitchhiker and we will eat everything in the tank. They will have to go to a local human habitat forum and see the best way to rid of the nasty human hitchhiker, that came in a house they wanted for the human cube. :)

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I just thought of something....


of this is the dictionary's defenition of a fossil

"A remnant or trace of an organism of a past geologic age, such as a skeleton or leaf imprint, embedded and preserved in the earth's crust. "


Then this is no longer a fossil if it is living and more then a remnant, right?


So the quote about a "living fossil found" is in accurate...I know they put it in qoutes...but still... also they said it was new, but it was extinct over 60million years ago, that's a contridition. Yes, I am this bored at work.:D

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