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Custom Sump Design Questions

Guest Bevo5

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Guest Bevo5

Hi all - I'm getting a custom sump made and I have a few questions on what I should be getting. It's going on a 180g tank and I'm wanting to get something in the 65g volume range. Like 48in x 16 or something.


Basically - I'm thinking 48in long with two filter socks, room for a big reef octopus 300int skimmer (or something similar), a fuge and then some general open room for a calcium reactor or something. Throw in the baffles and bubble traps and that should be about it. RIght?


I originally wanted to put an ATO reservoir on the end but I'm thinking that might be a pain to refill. So now I'm considering having a little bench made that matches the stand - and I'll put a 20g container in there for the ato. 


I will have about 60in of space in the stand (putting in a shelving unit with a foot of space on the end). So I guess I could always go bigger. If so - should I get a much larger fuge, or just leave more open space for gadgets and reactors?


These seem pretty basic to me - but is there any additional tips/ideas I could incorporate? Anyone have a good diagram or layout to look at?



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I don't trust seals and hoses. With time they all leak, orings crack, so I like extra room. Personally, I blacked out my fuge so light didn't cause algae growth on my skimmer or reactors. Also probe holders and drip line holders are a must. Just a few things I added.



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Guest Bevo5

Yeah I'd prefer to have as much space as possible. I have to get together with the guy building my stand to see exactly how much space I'll have in there. 


How big of a fuge do I really need? I don't want to go too small for it to be useful....

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You can fill your ATO reservoir with your RO system. Just have a good automatic shutoff on that as well.  There will be a bit more to that shut-off, using one that does not let the waster-water run after your reservoir is full.:)

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I have been using gravity-fed ATOs for 30 years, and only had one leak once. It was easily fixed by putting some food-grade silicon grease on the seal. I do this every couple of years now, as part of my maintenance. O-rings will need a little maintenance to prevent cracking, and should be replaced every few years anyway. I about to replace the o-ring I got with my Bak-Pak skimmer I got in 1997. At least that one was just a retaining ring! :rolleyes:

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I like to have near 25% of the display tank volume. Yours sounds be great, and could easily hold a lot of filtering gear and contain a refugium as well!  I have seen systems at public aquariums that hold a larger capacity than the display tank!



Here is a good read, and some additional links. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/refugium.htm

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