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New C&C purchase!


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I think they tang will be fine.. its small for now.. 

But as for adding new fish.. maybe pick one that will be your favorite and let that be it for a while.. after a couple months see how things are and if the tank is still balanced.. maybe then expand, but wih 4 in a ~40 sounds complete.  Maybe some inverts if you want but no shrimp if you get a wrasse

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I saw this tang in person and it was tiny. I also think you'll be fine with it in your 38g as long as you're ready to either trade it in, or upgrade tank size as it grows. I know the guys at C&C wouldn't have recommended this fish for your 38g unless you were set on getting one and it seems like they at least gave you some cautionary wisdom on it outgrowing your tank. Unlike other posts in this thread, I've found the staff there to be very knowledgable and helpful in selecting proper livestock. Good luck with it!

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The odds of you even being in the hobby by the time that fish is to large is unlikely. The turn over rate on this forum is about 2 years. I'd say it's fine for now, if you do happen to make it past the 2 year mark upgrade that tank.


This is one of the reasons we have the forum. At MACNA Julian Sprung and Jake Adams did a co presentation where they talked about the amount of people who leave the hobby and their time in the hobby. They stated that over 60% left in the first year, and 80% by the second year. Of the "study" they referenced they stated that over 75% of those leaving left to discouragement based on failure. The amount of people in the hobby now compared to 10 years ago is drastically declining. 


Helping each other to learn what does and does not work, will lead to people having better success, which should equal happier reef keepers. That is the spirit the forum was founded on. 


Personally, I would not put a tang in smaller then a 55g tank, and then only if it were one of the bristletooth's (kole, tomini, cheveron, etc). Other species would require a 150g or larger IMO. Tangs I have seen while diving are just to active and cover to large of an area to be housed in a smaller system. I'd love a poweder blue or a naso, but in my 120g, I just don't think it would be fair to the fish. 


That's just my opinion from my time in the hobby. Everyone is free to do whatever they want, I only share my experiences because I am trying to help others not make the same mistakes 

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I have to agree with pledospphy here. I just got  back from the Big Island of Hawaii and while in the water there I saw many beautiful tangs. From yellows and convicts, which were the most plentiful to naso's, blue rings, and sailfins. They were all very large and very active. After seeing them in their natural environment I  will probably think twice about housing tangs in tanks shorter than 5'. The thing that amazed me was the absence of visible algae for them to eat, and yet they were all very fat. 


Good luck with the purple. 


Jeff, Sorry about the wife's accident. I hope all is well and there are no permanent or lingering injuries. 

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Thanks guys for all the im put in this thread! Where do u guys get nori?



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 Chinese grocery. Just make sure to get the non flavored variety. Its sushi nori. What they use to wrap sushi in. You can get a large package of probably 40 sheets for under $5.00.

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Chinese grocery. Just make sure to get the non flavored variety. Its sushi nori. What they use to wrap sushi in. You can get a large package of probably 40 sheets for under $5.00.

is there any stores around here? Vancouver? What clips do u recommend?



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I get my nori from world market my tangs love it! I just make sure it's nothing but seaweed and the go crazy the second my hands out of the water. I have a purple in my 90 that's maybe 3-4 inches with my hippo and yellow. The get along great now the yellow and purple are now buddies always swimming together rough when I first had them though. There both very peaceful never seen them go after anyone or anything to that nature always picking at rocks( hair algee problem). With that size of and tank with little hiding places be ready to have to take it down to get him out. If he shows aggressive behavior I would take him out that day and trade him in or post on the forum to sell or have someone hold him till you can get a larger tank. I agree with Kevin and I'd say no tangs in anything less then 4 feet especially if you wanna have that tang for any amount of time. My purple tang has added at least an inch since I got him in January he's been a fast grower. Be ready to trade him in or upgrade I'd say by the end of the year IMO. In my experience with my yellow and purple fast grower till about 4-5 inches.

Edited by momo3419
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