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Making way for new tank! Stuff for sale/trade


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Hey folks,

I got out the hobby about 5 years ago due to a lack of time and funds, but I was given a 150g tank and stand, so I'm pretty sure that is a sign I'm supposed to get back in :)

When I got out, I sold my tanks and livestock, and just shoved all the hardware in several cabinets. My tanks before this were 20g, 35g, and 75g, so everything I have is way underrated, so I'd like to just clear it out.

I'll list the stuff I have with prices, but keep in mind my goal is mostly just to clear some space and trade for some equipment I can use, so feel free to make offers (I'd prefer trades over cash). If you have something more valuable than what I have, I'm willing to through in some cash with the trade to get what I need.

Here is what I want:

-Vortech powerhead(s)

-Protein skimmer (for 150g)

-Kessel LEDs

-Acrylic Sump <---my stand is 4'x2'

-Dry rock

-Promises of frags once this sucka is up


Here is what I have:


This is the junk that was in the 150 when I got it. Hang-on filters, a 4' light, and a bunch of pumps. I can't vouch as to whether anything is working, so I don't want any cash for it. Maybe just a scoop of substrate or gravel for seeding? If no one claims, I'll trash it all.


130W CF light fixture with LED moonlights. I loved this light setup for my smaller tank. It clamps on to the side of any 24" tank. Great for softie tanks- $50


(sorry this is an attic pic) Same setup as above, only 260W and 4'. Great lights! - $100


12g complete Eclipse aquarium. Filter, lights, pump. Great for a desk. $100






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Here's more:


CPR Bak-Pak - $75


Don't know much about this skimmer, other than that its got a broken collar (acrylic glue worked fine) and it worked great for my medium tanks - $25


Random tank, maybe 20g? Its in the attic, about 1'x3' -$20

More coming...






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Couple overflows. Both are broken on the tank side where they hook together. I had them acrylic glued together and they work - $10


Pump, I think it works. Makes noise at least- $10


LEDs on a string- $15


Under tank heat mat -$5


I also have a hodge-podge of other pumps and powerheads that I don't need and can't attest to working quality. Feel free to root through them if you come to get anything else. I have some bulbs, too, I don't want.


Shoot me a PM if interested! I'm willing to drive and meet you in exchange for a good trade!






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Glad you found your way back into a bigger tank,when it is setup and running I can throw you a few frags depending on wich direction you are taking the new tank. I also might have some dry rock but you will be needing some Large pieces for a tank of that size.


Might be interested in the odyssea pump and an overflow if we can cross paths at a meeting or if you make it to Corvallis,I have patience. When you ready for cal le me know.

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Awesome. I should have bumped sooner; we were just in Corvallis yesterday. I need to make a run to the brew store anyway, so I'll box up some stuff and come over next weekend or maybe run over after work this week. Any days/times that don't work? Maybe pm me your cell #

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