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Shrimp dieing why?


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So I have a 50 cube recently added a group of peppermint shrimp bought 6 now have 1 also bought a cleaner shrimp he died as well.


List of fish

2 true perc clowns

1 lubbocks fairy wrasse

1 royal blue tang

3 anthias

2 chromis

1 diamond watchman goby

Corals and anemones

And hermits and snails


Could I have a predator bristle worm? I watch the tank daily and haven't noticed any huge ones or anything but those shrimps have all died for pretty much no reason I can foresee.


Any thoughts or suggestions? Water Paramus are as follows


Sg 1.026

Nitrate .03

Nitrite 00

Ammonia 00

Phos .02


It was doing fine in the tank for about 3 weeks then I found it today being eaten by a bristle worm. Wondering if I might have a predator bristle worm or something


Has me a bit nervous since all my fish sleep in the rocks. And a cleaner shrimp is 30$

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Probably has nothing to do with it. It's just nature doing what nature does. While both wrasses and peppermint shrimp are both reef safe by themselves, they aren't always compatible with each other. Most larger wrasses are not compatible with ornamental shrimp. Wrasses will just kill them. That's just what they do. Sorry about that. I had a cleaner with mine for a long time. I got the fairy when it was small and the cleaner was already there. But when the wrasse grew up, probably full grown now at around 4"+, one day the cleaner was just gone.


I've never been able to keep peppermints in the reef. I think it's probably because the wrasse was already there and established. The peppermints never stood a chance.

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