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Dwarf Wartskin Angler


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Theyre reef safe just not with anything that can fit in their mouth i assume they are coral friendly except i can see them damaging.something if they perch on it for a long while. Most ive seen were at upscales and fantaseas gwts evey now.and again as well. Its a harder fish to take care of and they typically will not eat or they slowly decline in captivity. As long as your preparef to feed live foods you should be okay. I dont havr a wartakin but ive done some research on them. I do have a leaf fish tgough which is similiar in habits. Just be expecting a small challenge and even if they eat doesnt mean theyrw sure fire going to live, upscales had one for four months that randomly killed over whixh ate once a week

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I feed mine guppies, just because he has a smaler mouth then anglers and is extrmely picky about what he eats, it took me.three weaks without him feeding warts are much less picky as they can eat much bigget prey. Freshwater guppies and shrimp can live maybe an hour or so enough time to be munched

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he is about 3" I'd say also hard to see in this picture but he has black spots.



I've been wanting one for a loooong time now, and garrett had 3 beautiful ones in the other day. I was thinking about getting the black and white one he had but it was so small that I didn't want to chance him not making it so I went with a little bigger one and love him so far.

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