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Kalkwasser (aka limewater, calcium hydroxide, kalk, not "lime" juice) works also to raise pH. It also helps with calcium.


I have a large container of it that I am not using any more. I could sell it to you fairly cheap.


Research how to use it, but basically you take some and put it in a 2 L bottle with RO/DI water. Shake it up really good. Let the solid settle (it will still look milky white). Then depending on the size of your tank, and how much you want to raise the pH, you figure out how much to add.


As an added bonus, the solid kalk can be used to kill aptasia or nuisance zoanthids (ugly ones that take over your tank).



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You shouldn't need to use ph buffer. The ph is really not that important unless it gets under 7.8 I wouldn't pay much attention.


really? i havea digital reader, and a test tube with drops. says it should be dark purple. its more very light pruple/brownish that should be ok?


my kenya tree was good size its completly gone. i havea large pin cushin sea urchin. i dont know if he eats that stuff? maby whats wrong with my mushrooms turning white/clear and comming off the rock

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I am inclined to agree. You're pH is bound to swing in an almost any reef aquarium setup. A better thing to keep an eye on is alkalinity. Using kalk to raise pH is only a temporary fix as it will fall as corals consume alk and calcium. Kalk can also cause your pH to become unstable when you do not dose magnesium to compensate for the magnesium precipitating.


You shouldn't need to use ph buffer. The ph is really not that important unless it gets under 7.8 I wouldn't pay much attention.
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I have also notice my pH becoming more "normal" with opening up my house d/t having fresh air circulating and removing my acrylic top and using mess to help ventilate it. Never used to be able to get it to 8.3, was constantly below 8.0, but it peaks there daily. Mine swings from low in early AM of 8.15 to 8.35 at around 5pm. I do notice my BTA not liking the pH when it was around 7.9ish.

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