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WTT corals...


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Here is what I have, looking to do some trading. I am going to come down to the Vancouver area on Friday most likely, or will be down to Salem the weekend of Garretts meeting (weekend of 22-24th)

Open to offers, sorta like everything at the moment.


Purple Dragon Soul Favia - 10+ eyes on one piece.

Neon Clove Polyps -I have a small rock with quite a few on it. These are the kaleidoscope ones, with the neon orange on them

Red People Eater Zoanthids (RPE) - I have a chunk with 20-25+ on it

Purple People Eater Zoanthids (PPE) - I have 4 polyps of this one PENDING MOHAYNOW

ORA spongodes (1.5-2" frag on plug)

Purple cyphastrea (I think) - encrusted all over frag plug.

2 heads of Blastomussa - red/pink outer, light green center, green mouth. PENDING ZACHS

green chalice with tiny pink/orange eyes - on large frag plug


I can try to get some pictures, but they wouldn't be very good (the LEDs and my camera do not mix very well). shoot me a PM of what you have!

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interested in the favia, blasto and/orchalice. I've got an anthilia rock up in the classifieds forum @ http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/showthread.php?32794-anthilia-(waiving-hand-coral)-encrusted-on-rock


Also have a 2-polyp frag of green bay packers and a small rock with some gorgeous (whistle)fuzzy red mushrooms, could frag a nifty red paly by then and have some small colonies of GSP...anything sound worth it? I'll be at TPA for the meeting.

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