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PH probe ?


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How long should a ph probe last? My pinpoint ph probe that is just a year old will not maintain calibration anymore. I thought that pinpoint was a quality brand, is there a better probe to use. I am using it withe an RKE.

Thanks in advance.


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40 bucks for a standard probe.


and that's why, lab ones are more like $100-300 depending on some things (especially bells and whistles, but also how wide it is accurate (0-14 is standard, some go out to like -4 through 18)

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40 bucks for a standard probe.


and that's why, lab ones are more like $100-300 depending on some things (especially bells and whistles, but also how wide it is accurate (0-14 is standard, some go out to like -4 through 18)

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Does anyone know of a quality probe with the bnc connector that will work with our controllers. I wouldn't mind spending $100+ if I can get years of service out of it. Seems pointless to spend $40 every 8 months.

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Sometimes they are just hit and miss, I've had them last less than a year or one that's lasted several years. BRS has a pretty good standard Ph probe for a good price, I would'nt buy the lab grade offered by reef suppliers, not worth the extra money. The neptune one I have now and the BRS are both several years old and still calibrating just fine

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