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Drilling a 40 breeder


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Jay, Stacy and I went over to help Joel do some drilling on his 40 breeder. I did the first hole and Joel went to town on the rest. Stacy took a few pics so i thought i'd put em up. We went thru like 4 drill batteries so Joel had to finish up on his own (laugh)


Joel add your finished pics!!









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ha ha ha ha!!! I got a good story for ya.... Went to a party and friend got to wasted so I offered to drive her home in her car. Driving home, I get pulled over (her tags are expired) Officer says I smell like liquor.. (but I have not had a drop) and make me walk the line and the whole deal. He then goes to talk to the girl I was driving home, she is talking to the officer with a 44oz coke filled with vodka... Hmmmmm Wonder why I'm having to walk the line? some people. The officer never did catch on she was drinking and getting even more hammered, neither did I till after the officer left. What are friends for.

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Oh, you guys. Yeah, middle school and beer don't mix. I was thinking of posting a can of Coke instead. lol Although there is legend that a principal in days past kept a nice bottle of you know what in his desk drawer. That was like 20 y.a.

The thread has been sitting here for a while. Just did not see it.


I have figured out the rough plumbing and will probably glue it in tomorrow. Gotta paint the back glass first though.




A side view



Yes-- it is the bottom. 40 breeders are drillable. A hair raising experience. I wore goggles jic. Not beer goggles btw

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