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Bristleworm explosion


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I dont know if these worms are bad for the tank or not... But i have a ton of bristle worms all over my tank!!! and i noticed that their population exploded after i had my ich outbreak and removed all my fish...


Is there something that I can do about them? or do i just let them be or is tehre a fish or shrimp which will kill them?




(Sad that the apartment doesnt allow more than a 40G tank !!! :()

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Hey Rev,


In general bristle worms are a really beneficial member of your cleanup crew. I really only remove them when they get really big simply because they start to get painfully in the way when I move corals and rocks around. There are however critters that will eat them and help get them under control if you want to do so. Probably the easiest to acquire and catch once it is done with its job, is the arrow crab. They are pretty good cleaners themselves but can develop and apotite for smaller hemit crabs when they get pretty large.


Let me know if I can help :)

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My melanurus wrasse and cigar wrasse both eat them.


Yep, also yellow coris, mystery wrasse, even larger six lines, pretty much any utility wrasse. They only like to eat the real small ones though and most utility wrasses will pose the same problem as the arrow crab in terms of possibly going after smalle hermits and shrimps, accept they are much harder to catch.

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