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stocking new, yet cycled tank?


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Im new to marine, but have done the freshwater dance for years. i may be getting a cylcled 38, some over the back filtraton, anyway, i need some ideas on stocking it? should i go reef or fish only? or should it be more of an artistic type of tank? agressive? one fish only? cummunity? just throw out ideas. and im up for anything, especialy free stuff! always looking for lights and filters!

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will this tank in anyway be drained and moved? how far? It will probably best case scenerio go through a mini cycle. I have personally never tried any type of hang on back filtration units for sw. It might work. As far as what to put in it will depend on your lighting, water flow, and water quality, which you wont know till you get it hooked up with some rock and get it cycling anyway. Best advice I can give is be patient and see how the tank operates once cycled. best of luck to you.

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