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Colt vs. Leather


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So less than a week ago i got this rock about the size of two golf balls with both medium sized colt coral and a leather coral. I didn't notice any problems with them even though they seemed to be pretty close to each other.

I've moved it around several times to try to find a good spot for it with med flow. Well now they have both opened up and I think the leather twisted itself somehow and the head is closer to the colt coral.


No matter how i position the rock, they both end up near each other. I have no idea how they weren't touching each other at the LFS. The colt looks fine, but i noticed that the part of the leather that are brushing up against the colt are swollen and closed up.


Do I have no choice but to break the rock in two and separate them? Any suggestions on how to do that without damaging either? Or what else can i do. Thanks





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I use a pair of scissors at the base of my Colt corals to cut/frag them. Poke a toothpick horizontaly through the base after it's cut and then band it to a piece or rubble rock to it will re-attatch.

I will try that sometime! Seems a little barbaric though LOL

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