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HELP! Temp gauge broke on reefkeeper HELP!


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So I get a frantic text today from my wife saying that she acidentally pulled a wire out of the fish tank. It happened to be the temp gauge for my reef keeper. The problem I have right now is that it was ripped out of the phone plug socket. I'm going to check with my dad actually to see if he has an new phone plugs along with the crimper. Is there anything else I should be worried about with this thing being ripped out? Should I unplug my heater or does the reef keeper already know that it can't tell the temp so the heater won't turn on? Any help on this would be nice.

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I just need a six conductor connector. I tried to make my own with no success. Heading to home depot in a few. If they dont have it I will stop by oiab tomorrow on my way home from work. Thanks robert for the offer.


Does anyone know if this will keep my heater off though?


Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk

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Not sure if it will keep the heater off but I have the tools and connectors to put it back on for you if you have any problems. Just make sure you know which wires go into the pins on the connector.


Thanks Dave. I just got back from Home Depot and got it all going again. I spent about half an hour trying to make my own connector and gave up. Wasn't sure if HD would have the 6 conductor or not but I got lucky. Now I can make another 24 if it happens again since they only sell a 25 pack...DOH!

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(clap)glad to hear you got it going! you probly would have baught a 100 pack if that was all they had(nutty)(laugh) it is a good thing for you to have just in case, seems like most of us have spare skimers,lights and such. for you that kit is just a first aid kit for your controller.. glad to hear you got it going again(clap)

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if only someone woulda came in...(whistle)

you do know i used to be a computer network technician and have all that stuff at my house, LOL. DOH!


You are a man of so many trades I can't keep up with all of them....(laugh)


It was only $5 so it wasn't a big deal. Thanks again for the offer though.

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