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is this ick


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So I noticed my citron having some white spots on his face and outer fins and he stopped eating and is now looking like he's going to die, my clown fish is now starting to get them too but just on the fins sorry the pic is low quality but I can't stop it from swimming around if it is ick what are my options? If it isn't can you tell me what it is, I don't want to lose another fish



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My opinion is ( and there are a lot of them when it comes to ich) is that Ich is always present in our tanks no matter what. I don't bother to QT my fish for ich because they just get in anyway when you stress the fish moving it to the display tank. If the fish is swimming and eating, just keep up your tank parameters and work on keeping the fish healthy. Sometimes you get a weak fish and it just doesn't make it. Also avoid mixing fish that will clash in personality and fish stress/ich go down a lot.

I've noticed some of my tangs will get ich when I have had my hands in the tank a lot, but it usually goes away after a few days.

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Now the next person that posts will tell you to QT every fish and if you get ich in the tank, to take all the fish out and keep the lights out for weeks to kill the ich. But guess what, it will still be there and the next time you add a coral you will be taking a chance at adding the parasite to the tank again.

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Yeah you def. can't do any copper treatments. What other fish do you have in your tank and are they showing any signs? Maybe a Cleaner shrimp would help out a little? Not sure if people do this anymore either but maybe look into a freshwater dip?

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I have a fire shrimp but he doesn't seem to interested in the fish my gramma attacks him if he gets to close to his home, but just the two clowns are showing signs and one chromis the others are all good, ill try that garlic soak and see if it works just wish I knew about that before the goby got to sick he can barely swim anymore

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I used to chase ick for a long time but it's not worth it. I also said I was never going to get another tang in my tank since they are ick magnets and I have three soon to be 4 in my tank.DOH!


As long as your fish seems healthy in all other aspects in eating etc you are doing all that needs to be done. The more you try with chemicals and qt tanks it just stresses the fish out even more than leaving it alone with no treatment. If you choose to try and dose something in your tank consider melafix. It probably won't cure your ick issue but it's good for the fish's slime coat and will help with other bacterial possibilities in the tank. I would still just keep feeding the tank and forgo anything else but just some suggestions otherwise.


Good luck!

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Ya all the other fish are eating every time I put food in there, haven't seen my firefish in a while but my girlfriend says it comes out when she feeds them in the morning sometimes...I guess it just doesn't like me, but that's the only other one I'm concerned about

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Ok here is what worked for me. I read and read and read. Decided on the following couse of action: Caught all of the fish, and put them in QT. Slowly, over the course of two days or so, dropped the salinity down to 1.009 (hyposalinity). Kept the tank with corals at normal conditions, and did this for 7 painful weeks. At the end of this, raised salinity to normal over a couple of days, and added the fish back to the display (which includes a blue tang). Wallah, no ich for two+ years, knock wood.


What this does is kill the ich bugs. Being an invertabrate, they can't tolerate the low salinity, and they will die off. In the tank, meanwhile, the ich cycle is broken, since they don't have a fish to feed off of. Some say that the larvae, or whatever, lie in wait, but in my experience, this kills them all.


My $0.02

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Well the thing about my situation is someone ( my roommate or friend) who won't admit to it put some change in to my other tank after I cycled it so I don't have the option to put them I'm qt right now I'm thinking like another week and a half two weeks before I would feel comfortable putting fish into it and that seems like a good amount of time If they already have it, but i haven't dealt with this problem before so I don't know how bad it is or can get as time goes on

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When I first set up my tank I got some clown gobies from Petco and had ick breakout in my tank. I lost 2 clown gobies a perc and a potter's angel. My watchman goby never showed any signs. I said my prayers and watched the tank endlessly, but didnt do a thing outside of regular maintanence. As each fish died I pulled it out of the tank and didnt get another fish for 5 or 6 weeks after the last died. 2.5 years later I have never seen a single spot on another fish and I have never done QT or any additives/medication/treatments. Not saying what you should or shouldn't do, just sharing my experience. Good luck!

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