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Best place in sump for Purigen


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So with the isues I have been having after the tank move I put some Purigen in the sump. Not sure where the best place to put it is. Currently I have it hanging off the spillway from the BakPak (see pic).


Not sure if that is a good place or it needs to be submerged. I have a bag of Chemi-Pure Elite in the return side of the BakPak...I could see if that will go in there too but I was afraid to stuff it too tight. When I do that the water level rises in the first chamber and it messes up the skimming action.


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yep, thats where mine goes as well. I cant think of more of a "high flow area" then IN the sock. it's worked well for me. And every time I change the sock, I get to tumble the media a little so it all gets equal exposure to the outside of the bag.

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