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WTS Uv sterilizer, powerheads and heaters


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Ok, Here goes round two of my extravaganza. Once again I will be at the meeting on sunday and I can bring whatever is needed with me.


1. UV sterilizer, plugged it in and the light didnt come on. Probably need a new bulb or something, I dunno. So since I have no I dea if it works or not its only $10




2. Marineland visitherm 200w heater $4

3. Ebo-Jager 150w heater $3 Pending Cellowithgils

4. Topfin 300w heater $6 Pending Kmiller



5. Flex tube with fancy ends 40" with ends $3

6. Flex tube with fancy ends 24" with ends $2

7. Big grabber dealies $2 Pending Kmiller



8,9,10,11. Maxi jet 900's all of em work one of em doesn't have any markings on it but I know it is a 900. $6 each All Pending Gumby

12. Maxi Jet 400 $3 Pending Gumby



Them maxi jets do not include the accessorie packs that they come with when bought brand new. I do have some of the stuff but it will be on a first come first serve basis.

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One last bump. Everything left (thats the uv sterilizer, flex tube thingies, and heater) all for $15. All I ask is that you either pick it up at the meeting or sometime tomorrow after. Thanks again for looking.

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