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ps3 problem


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hi, i have a ps3 that will hook up to the net, but will not log in to my ps3 account, keeps timing out. i opened all the ports that people say in the forums needs to be opened, no luck, qwest says they do not troubleshoot the ps3. anyone one with a ps3 using qwest got any ideas. i called sony, they told me to try the ps3 at another location, to see whether the prob is with the console or qwest. thanks

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If you can try it at another location man, that might be your best bet. If it works, then it's a Qwest problem and you'll probably have to call half a dozen times til you get a tech who's a gamer, just make sure everytime you call, you ask to speak, I mean before you even get into anything with the customer service rep with anything, don't even varify your account for em, just ask, as soon as they pick up the line, to speak to the Tech department. I used to do customer service/tech support and that was always my advice to customers that were having problems. Then when you get Tech on the line, tell them what's up, and if they start to get wishy washy, just ask to speak to either: A, a supervisor, or B, ask them, quite nicely, to see if they can help you find a Tech who's got either: A, a PS3, or B, has any idea on what to do. Most times, again, speaking from personal experience, if you treat the Tech department nicely, they will bend over backwards to help you out, because it is a very rare thing for them to deal with a nice customer, simply because it's usually such a hastle to get in touch with the Tech department of any organization.


Oh, an if possible, on the first option A or B, swap those around, go with B first lol.


And don't be afraid to call in a dozen or more times before you get the help you need, just always be nice, and you'll eventually get some help, and if you're really nice, you might even wind up with credit's on your bill or free perks of some kind.

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I had this problem for a while after a patch. I was pissed. called comcast, sony. etc. Nobody could me. I googled the timeout error code and found the solution myself. Sounds like youve already searched forums though... Can't remember what it was that I did. Try doing another update? Sorry man, good luck

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