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One has to start somewhere, but...


It's not the breeding part that's the real challenge here, it's the rearing (raising) part that is the real challenge. It takes some around the clock dedication, patience and work to get these tiny fry to settle into reef fish.


I am all for it, but just know it takes some work. I think Dave and Kate can testify to this. I am not trying to rain on this thread's parade but just want to let you know that if this were easy - everyone would already be doing it.


I would suggest to start with what you already have in your tank and work from there. I have experience with Bangai's and they are fairly easy as the juv's are large enough to eat newly hatched artemia (brine shrimp), and are quite capable little fish when provided for.


Having someone to provide live cultured food is a giant help (Kate)! This has always been my hurdle/discouragement as cultures can crash very easily - especially the rotifers, and always when you need them most.


I support anyone's decision to breed fish/corals/inverts just please do your homework before taking the plunge.


Glad to beat me to it...I don't really like hearing banggais called "easy" They breed easy but rearing is literally round the clock to prevent SFS aka Sudden Fright Syndrome. Live isn't even good enough...has to be newly hatched (less than 4 hrs old) or heavily enriched...Raising the live foods is the hard part...similar to my dart frogs...the flies are the hardest part to keep up on.

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