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Feeding schedule and brands


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Has anyone on here had bad luck with "Prime Reef"?


Also, is a once daily feeding enough for 5 fish that are about 3"?


I thought that adding a nickel sized chunk of Prime Reef with 1 drop of garlic extract on a daily basis was enough, but I want to make sure. Should I add more often than that?

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You can feed every other day and that should be plenty. That will also cut down on waste buildup in the tank.


Prime Reef? Thats made by bthe same company that makes Formula 1 and 2 , right? If so it is good food but try to feed a diverse diet.

Think of this way........ would you want to eat salad for the rest of your life?

Or would you rather have a hamburger one day, pizza the next, then salad, and then a sandwich the next day?

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I agree on variety. I have many spawning fish (chromis, anthias, gobies, etc.) and believe variety is essential.


unlike cats and dogs who can eat one specific type of food, fish in an aquarium and usually different species and have different nutritional requirements. Also there isnt much research on aquarium fish food, more marketing.


I usually feed daily but sometimes miss days. Smaller more frequent feedings are better than one large one, but who has the time haha!

I feed Frozen: Rods food (regular and herb), mysis, enriched brine, cyclopeeze, etc. as well as canned: mysis, omega one flakes, formula 2 pellets, microcrabs.


When I have lots of baby banggais I feed lots of live baby and adult enriched brine.

I also go as far as to switch up supplements, different HUFAS, Zoe, spirulina etc.

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