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Species for a 11x11x11 cube

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Just curious to see what people think could live comfortably in one of the four 11"x11"x11" cubes in the new tank I bought.

I'm thinking shrimp/goby pair (that's why I bought the tank after all), maybe pipefish or dwarf seahorses, mini maxi's with sexy shrimp, or a small species of mantis shrimp. If anyone has a specific species in mind let me know!

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Yeah those pom pom crabs you have Patrick are cool. A pair of Harlequins is awesome the only downside with them is you have to feed them a leg off a starfish most commonly a chocolote chip star unless you have a large population of asterina stars in your tank.


A mantis shrimp would be possible. I"m assuming you have an acrylic cube. They can possibly bust through some glass. That's all you can have in there though as it will eat everything else. I love the one I have. It's so tame now and intelligent.

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A mantis shrimp would be possible. I"m assuming you have an acrylic cube. They can possibly bust through some glass. That's all you can have in there though as it will eat everything else. I love the one I have. It's so tame now and intelligent.


Keep in mind that the tank has baffles, and they're pretty thick. Here's a picture:



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Sweet. This came at an awesome time' date=' I'm playing in a musical right now and it's an extra $450 in my pocket.[/quote']


(scratch)(scratch)Let me guess.... you play the cello...;)


Keep in mind that the tank has baffles, and they're pretty thick. Here's a picture:




I would be careful with a glass tank. They pack quite a powerful punch. Nick at Rosecity had one and it hit the glass so hard it sounded like someone threw a rock at the tank. The one I have now I got from Isaac and it busted through the little plastic tubs he keeps his inverts in. Mine seems happy now though as it has a thick sandbed to burrow and has never tried to break out.


I'm thinking a shrimp goby pair would be better for you.

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thats way cool! where did you get it? i want one lol


Aaron at The Nautilus. He's got some crazy sweet tank for sale right now.


(scratch)(scratch)Let me guess.... you play the cello...;)


(clap)How'd you guess(laugh)? You'd be surprised at how many people say "Nice Guitar" DOH! Even when they see me carrying this thing around.



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