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What kind of Algea? And would a Sea Hare eat it?


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Watch them closely in case they start releasing ink. In case' date=' be ready for a water change to be safe[/quote']


Will do, I have been watching it all evening, it seemed to "nibble" at what I was hoping he would mow down, but then he hit the sand and seems to be wanting to eat what little diatom algea there is on the sand, I am going to give it a few days and see if he eats any of what I am wanting it to eat, so far he is not eating what I am wanting him to eat, I was hoping it would go to town on the briopsys, but it only has been a few hours...so we will see...

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Well, this is just my observation, I was kinda dissapointed, after a week of it being in the tank, it really hasn't done what I thought it would do, It seemed to nibble at the algea, but seemed to want to spend most of its time eating at the sand and the little diatom aglea that was there. I was expecting it to go crazy and eat all the algea, but nope....like I said it did nibble at it, but didn't eat it like I was hoping.


I aclimated it to my wifes tank to see if he would eat other types of algea, and same thing there, seemed to be a sand grazer, hasn't really touched any algea in her tank either. And she has different types than I do, Macro, Pest, ect...Seems to like Diatom algea though....


I am going to try a Urchin next, and see what they do, as well as continue to do water changes and install a GFO reactor to curb any excess phosphates....We will see...

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As for my situation, running mg at 1600-1700 is having some effect, but not as much as hoped. The algea turned white and you can tell is more "weak". I should have used Kent Tech M which is what people noticed having a rapid effect. All the other corals are looking good with high mg so far. Today I'm gonna add a tang suggested by Reefit and we will see.

Sorry for hijacking your thread, but we are having the same problem and I though it was useful to share our experience.

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As for my situation, running mg at 1600-1700 is having some effect, but not as much as hoped. The algea turned white and you can tell is more "weak". I should have used Kent Tech M which is what people noticed having a rapid effect. All the other corals are looking good with high mg so far. Today I'm gonna add a tang suggested by Reefit and we will see.

Sorry for hijacking your thread, but we are having the same problem and I though it was useful to share our experience.


No its not hijacking at all, I totally agree, any imput from anyone is greatly appreciated. The bummer part for me is a tang is not really a viable option for smaller tanks, I might try the Kent Magnesium to see if that works too. All I know is after a year of using tap water and Instant ocean, and the corals doing great, I finally setup what I think is a better tank, use RODI water a Refugium with several kinds of Macro Algeal, updgrade to a Protien skimmer that is rated for several times the size of my tank, and BOOM....worst case of pest algea I have ever had in the whole time I have been keeping reef tanks...its crazy and kind of a bummer to finally have the tank setup how I really want it, and have it not work....kinda frustrating....Kinda wish I would have kept things the same and kept the old tank...ALL the sps where doing awesome in there, and no real bad algea....but this new tank is a nightmare.....and I really don't want to tear the whole tank down and "cook" the rock....its just a bummer, it would be awesome if there was some miracle cure that got rid of everything...lol

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I'm starting to see mine dissipate, but I haven't messed with my Mag levels at all (using Kent Reef Salt)...just been on the spot with weekly 10% WCs and keeping alk at 8-9. Ive seen a new emerald crab picking on it and I have 2 arabian cowries in my tank too. The cowries are reported to eat filamentous algae (reported in a Japanese research article...word of mouth on RC) but I have never seen them on the rock in question.

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