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Which brand of supplements to use?


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I have been using brs supplements for my mag., calcium, and alkalinity that i purchase from swf since i started dosing. I am taking swf's word about which are the best to use. It is possible that by selling me there homemade stuff they are making more profit and are telling me that it's the best because of that. But i dont really know. They seem to work fine but i have nothing to compare it too. Also i noticed that the parameters that swf recommends seem to be higher than i've ever read anywhere else. They recommend

magnesium at 1420-1480, Calcium at 420-460, Alkalinity at 9.5-10.5. Any kind of response to this is welcome info.

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I have used BRS in the past with no issues. I run kalk topoff and a Ca reactor so the only thing I need to dose is Mg. The levels that SWF gave you look fine, perhaps the mg is a bit high but still acceptable in my opinion.

I run my mg at about 1400, Ca between 420-450 and Kh about 10

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I use BRS Mg and I follow thier instructions as far as the mixture of Mg sulfate to Mg cloride acording to the method of Ca/Alk used (dosing or Ca reactor) These instructions and the bulk Mg has always served me well and the calculator they have on they're site has been useful almost every time I need to make an adjustment. Also you can get things for cheaper prices after becoming a preferred customer by leaving a few reviews for things you've bought. If you order from them (which I think you should) ask for your stuff to be shipped priority US mail, it's the same price if not cheaper than UPS and will usally get there not the next day but the next after that. Way faster than UPS. Good luck.

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One thing thats for sure is that your on the right track. Not just taking one persons word for somthing (especially in the situation you described) is IMO the right thing to do. As long as you do the research and ask questions to others you'll likely save yourself $,time,problems at some point IME. Keep up the good work. Good luck.

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I dose alot stuff...


Seachem Kalk

Salifert liquid Mag

Salifert Coraline

Tropic Marin K and A elements

Kent Coral Vite

Kent Essectial Elements

Kent Tech I

Kent Moly and Stron


I make my own food and it has dosing stuff in it...

Mysis, Brine, BSD 3 different larve, coral frenzy, dt's oyster, phyto and zoo, formula 1, 2 & prime reef, Cyclop-eeze, microvert, selcon and seachem garlic

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