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TCPTZC Accepting new recruits


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The Crappy Photo Taker Zoa Collectors


(thanks to Mr. S for the name):D


We are currently accepting applications for you to join this elite group of members.(clap)


If you are like me and consistantly blame your poor photo skills on a cell phone camera then you belong in this group!


Please only post your pictures if you are interested in joining this elite group of members!


There will be special perks as well. Each month we will have a what is that picture contest and the winner of who guesses it right first will win a prize.


Keep in mind this is for Zoa collectors only. None of you colored stick collectors are allowed in this group. You know who you are....(nono)


I am currently nominating Roger (Mr S) as the president of the group.

If a VP is needed I can take that place as well..(whistle)


Anyways lets get back to having some fun and get this group going!!!:p



New Recruits so far:


Dee77 (finally made it in)




LC Scott









Updated contest. since it will be more than likely out of my tank I changed that it may not be what is in the picture for the prize. Once we get the specific group together we can figure out what we all want for prizes.

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here is mine




Sorry that picture doesn't count. You can see how amazing your rock looks as well as some of your other zoas.


This is for the elite class. You whole picture has to be crappy not just what your trying to take a picture of. You can tell you have a nice camera because your photo is sharp with everything else in the picture..(laugh)


Try harder.


Dig Deep..


I know you can do it....

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The sad thing about my pic is I have Photoshop CS5 on my computer (and yes I know how to use it). Didn't do anything to the pic but cut out the area around the zoa's and enlarge it while retaining the dpi. In the original pic they (the zoa's) were way to small to see.

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Not only do i have some terrible photo skills, but I'm surprised i can even figure out how to respond to this in text form, let alone with a photo added! I've tried to post a pic before but it said that my pic was the wrong size or too large?? lol.... Maybe i should start a club TCPTZCWAACI (who are also computer illiterate)!! In our club we could just try to explain our crappy photos

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