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turbo snails


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So I have now decided I really hate these snails. When we first started this hobby we bought a few for aour first tank. :D Then I decided I wanted corals. (clap) Soon I discovered the turbo snails knocked everything over. :eek: Started to dislike the suckers and moved them to a different tank without corals. So at this point I am having a little frustrations with these cleaners.

Now to get to the main reason of this posting. Last night after my family all went to bed and I decided to stay up and watch a movie the snails did it again. (enforcer) I was watching my movie and as always I hear water running all around me. Remember this is not a odd occurence in my house considering we have like 17 tanks running. (nutty) So I start listening a little more to the water sound. I turned around and my 40g fuge is running over.:eek: I jump up and pull the tube out of the overflow box that comes out of the 150g and stop anymore water from going into the fuge. I then go back and wake up the hubby. (wife) He comes out and if the one tank overflowing wasnt bad enough I forget during the frenzy of trying to stop water from flooding my house and x-mas presents that the 150 drains into the fuge.DOH! So as you can guess the next surprise I got was the 150 is now overflowing onto the stand and waterfalling to the floor. (flame) We finally get everything shut down so no more water can make my night any worse. (clap)

So hubby tells me theres nothing he can do for the night and the tanks will have to wait till the next day. I make sure I have my powerheads running and figure forget it for the night because at this time I have soaked x-mas presents and want to just throw the tanks out the door. So we get towels out to soak up the water and he looks at the fuge one more time to try and figure out what happened. And of course there is a turbo snail blocking my drain. :eek: I moved these snails from hell to tanks to stay away from my corals and as payback they flood my livingroom.(flame)

The next stop for these monsters are the sump. And hopefully none of them made it down the plumbing or we will be tearing everything up just to get our system back up and running. (scary) Figured I would share our great experience with this wonderful hobby with everyone. Thought I was one of the lucky ones until the snails took revenge last night. (laugh)

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I believe this action by the turbo snail was a deliberate attack on you and all reefers. They have pushed the envelope too far this time. Knocking corals over and now flooding dwellings, I see this only progressing. Therefore we must band together and confront these advisories in hope that our children will live without the horror and treachery of terrorist turbo snails. Remember to stay strong, and reef on, live to fight another day. God help us.


Anti Turbo Snail Coalition.

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I believe this action by the turbo snail was a deliberate attack on you and all reefers. They have pushed the envelope too far this time. Knocking corals over and now flooding dwellings, I see this only progressing. Therefore we must band together and confront these advisories in hope that our children will live without the horror and treachery of terrorist turbo snails. Remember to stay strong, and reef on, live to fight another day. God help us.


Anti Turbo Snail Coalition.


(laugh)(laugh). Shhhhhh PETA is watching.....(whistle)


Turbo snails do a great job cleaning algae but yes this is why they were evicted from the Reef and moved into the Aggressive as I got tired of them knocking over the corals.


Sorry to hear about the flood in your home. It is less traumatic after the 5th time for me.....

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This brings back memories! I had all the above happen to me as well by those little rebbles. I hate them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be careful when you put them in your sump. If they die, (wich they will without a bunch of algae) I must tell you I have never smelled anything worse then a rotting turbo! Id donate them to one of your local fish stores if I were you!

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