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Aiptasia in the refugium


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I picked up a rock covered in macroalgae for my refugium a few weeks ago, and it's now sprouting some of those lovely brown anemones we all love. My first impulse was to rip that thing out of there ASAP, but then I saw a post about someone deliberately growing Aiptasia in a refugium, which made me pause. (scratch)


Should I rip it out and start with new macroalgae? Keep it and throw in a couple of peppermint shrimp? I'm not sure how quickly Aiptasia can spread to the main tank- the refugium is separated from the return section of the sump by a 2-wall bubble trap.


If the answer is to toss the rock and nuke the Aiptasia growing on the wall, does anyone have some macroalgae they could share? Preferably with no Aiptasia attached? ;)




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I have read


I have read many books that speak of people using aptasia in there sump as a nutrient scrubber. Including a few of Calfo's book's. I made an atempt to make a race track that I was going to fill with aptasia and xenia. worked great for a night then leeked like so I scrubbed the idea. :( I would just leave it buddy if its down in your sump.

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I have aiptasia in my overflow, so kinda the same thing. I have to keep peppermint shrimp so they do not take over my display. Then the peppermint shrimp die, and I buy a few more but those won't touch the aiptasia. So then i have to shut down pumps once a week and kalk all of them. Then i get more peppermint shrimp, but i just got done killing all the aiptasia so they don't ever see them to acquire an interest. So the shrimp live longer than any other shrimp ever but don't touch aiptasia but they will steal the food out of corals. And i still have to shut down pumps and kalk aiptasia.


And round and round the cycle goes. I say kill em off if you can.

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Yeah Gills I have heard that too and that some people are trying it but personally after dealing it with my main tank I'm not putting any in my sump and risking it spreading.





Theres no way in *$&% I would let them just hang out in my sump. I HATE aptaisia with a passion...one of the reasons I went with uncured rock was to avoid that hitchhicker as best as I could. It doesnt mean I wont get it at some point, there would still be a chance, but I got to at least try....

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Might be able to do tomorrow, but it wouldn't be morning LOL Jess is workin a 10 tonight :(


We do have to meet up with Titus about a frag tomorrow after 12, would after 12 work for you Alex?


No, we are not home in the afternoon.

Kim, you got the clam! The Giga, ok? (naughty)

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