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Ummm...yeah i'm not buying it (nono)


That Juno Von Stevenhaus (aka my dog) is using the same IP address and actually creating all the annoying polls?(scratch) But according to Eric a picture and a name are all you need in order to prove that different people or animals are using the same IP address! :)


I izzz st00ppid annd fat and hatezz pritty koralz. U shuld hates mee.


Damned clam got out of the tank. Any ideas on how to get saltwater out of a keyboard?


rofl rofl I almost missed this!(laugh)(laugh) You better post a pic of said clam Andy to show proof!(laugh)(laugh)(laugh)

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I izzz st00ppid annd fat and hatezz pritty koralz. U shuld hates mee.


Damned clam got out of the tank. Any ideas on how to get saltwater out of a keyboard?




(laugh)(laugh)Now I believe it really was your clam that just posted and that he keeps breaking out and coming back to your tank!(clap)(clap)


A picture proves it all!(clap)

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I do not understand why everyone is saying these things about Eric. Maybe I do not understand because I am new here.


I have personally met him in person, and he is a great guy when you meet him face to face. He gave me several awesome frags completely free of charge.


Also, he has a very nice shark.



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I do not understand why everyone is saying these things about Eric. Maybe I do not understand because I am new here.


I have personally met him in person, and he is a great guy when you meet him face to face. He gave me several awesome frags completely free of charge.


Also, he has a very nice shark.




Hey Shambobo do you have a cousin named Shamwow?

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I do not understand why everyone is saying these things about Eric. Maybe I do not understand because I am new here.


I have personally met him in person, and he is a great guy when you meet him face to face. He gave me several awesome frags completely free of charge.


Also, he has a very nice shark.




Hey Shambobo! Great to see you out of lurking mode!(clap)(clap) Nobody is saying anything about Eric and I don't know the full story because zoalander was before my time and I believe ( I could be wrong) most of his posts were deleted.


All I know is it was found out that Ca2OR and Zoalander had the same IP address and that Eric says it was a coworker playing a trick on him. However I believe the posts were more about saying what a great guy Eric was and what nice corals he had... Kinda like your post actually(scratch)(whistle)


That's not a very good practical joke IMO when all your are saying is positive things. It just looks very suspicious but again that was before my time on this forum so other people can speak for it. The sad part is there is a real member named zoolander and he/she kept getting confused with zoalander. The only posting I find with zoalander is here but I'm not great at doing searches.


The only postings I see from zoalander are here when I search.


So my point (with the driving dog) is that Eric was upset and did not understand why people would not believe him when he gave a name "Adam" and showed a picture of his coworker. I was just trying to help him out and show him why that didn't convince anyone.


We all are one big happy dysfuntional family here shambobo and like to have fun!(laugh)(clap)


Funny. (laugh)


Does this show you I am real?









Well it shows you have a name Tommy. Welcome to the forum Tommy. And according to the Ca2OR's Law a picture will show that you are not an 100% imaginary animal!;)

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I do not understand why everyone is saying these things about Eric. Maybe I do not understand because I am new here.


I have personally met him in person, and he is a great guy when you meet him face to face. He gave me several awesome frags completely free of charge.


Also, he has a very nice shark.




Hey Shambobo! Great to see you out of lurking mode!(clap)(clap) Nobody is saying anything mean about Eric and I don't know the full story because zoalander was before my time and I believe ( I could be wrong) most of his posts were deleted. We just are a bit outspoken here.


All I know is it was found out that Ca2OR and Zoalander had the same IP address and that Eric says it was a coworker playing a trick on him. However I believe the posts were more about saying what a great guy Eric was and what nice corals he had... Kinda like your post actually(scratch)(whistle)


That's not a very good practical joke IMO when all your are saying is positive things. It just looks very suspicious but again that was before my time on this forum so other people can speak for it.

The only posting I find with zoalander is here but I'm not great at doing searches:












So my point (with the driving dog) is that Eric was upset and did not understand why people would not believe him when he gave a name "Adam" and showed a picture of his coworker. I was just trying to help him out and show him why that didn't convince anyone.


We all are one big happy dysfunctional family here shambobo and like to have fun!(laugh)(clap)


Funny. (laugh)


Does this show you I am real?









Well it shows you have a name Tommy. Welcome to the forum Tommy.(clap) And according to the Ca2OR's Law a picture will show that you are not an 100% imaginary animal!;) A picture of your tank may suffice too!:p


And would love to meet you and give you a few frags as I'm sure other members would!

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